The story for adaptation is ‘Ferdie and Roy's Enormous Feast’ by Helen Dineen - a children's picture book author based in Southampton. Film Schoolers will use Helen's story to adapt and inspire their own creative vision turning the words on the page into a short film! Helen said she is "Excited to see one of my stories come to life...I think they'll do a fantastic job!"
Working in groups according to age, ability and friendships participants will develop their knowledge and skills in all aspects of the filmmaking process - from story to editing. The outcome will be their own film short film to be viewed online and at a special Southampton Film Week Red Carpet Screening event in November.
Thanks to support from John Hansard Gallery, anyone taking part who doesn't yet have their Discover Arts Award can work towards gaining it at this Film School.
Click here if you would like to know more about the Upcoming Film School workshops or to book a place.