Level 1 Film School (age guide 7-11)
Time: 10am - 4pm
Venue: Sea City Museum
On Thursday 16th April we'll be inviting our Film School students to 'Make-Your-Own-Talent-Show!' - a one day course that will spoof popular variety shows. Kids will use green screen to create their own live performances and behind the scenes interviews. Please feel free to bring along your own props, costumes and 'talents'.
Time: 10am - 4pm
Venue: Sea City Museum
On Wednesday 15th April 0ur advanced class will be focusing on pre-production. We'll be guiding our students through the specifics of how to script, storyboard and pre-produce short films. Using a sci-fi theme, we'll work alongside students to plan out their very own science fiction short film that they'll get the opportunity to shoot during Half Term in May before spending two days in the summer holidays focusing on post-production, editing and creating movie trailers and posters!