City Eye: Lockdown Daysa home video project
Whether we were in full lockdown or lockdown-light, isolating or social distancing, none of us were prepared for times like those.
So how were you affected and what were you doing? How were you coping?
How did you pass the time? What made you laugh? Whas made you cry? What were your highs, lows and what occupied your thoughts? However you got through those lockdown days we’d love you tell us about it with 90 seconds of film. |
City Eye is all about film making, and we are eager to capture this moment, but we want your help to tell the story of Southampton in lockdown on film. Our ambition is to bring together your short film clips to make a larger film and in due course to hold a public screening where we can reconnect, reflect and share our stories of Southampton and its people during the Covid-19 pandemic.
We would like your film to be included in a public archive created by the people for the people from across all of our communities. We want to tell all our stories and share our experiences so this is an open invitation to everyone in Southampton - so long as you take note of the four simple rules below, it’s up to you how and what you film. It might be a video diary, a short drama, perhaps a reflective moment on isolation or even an uplifting instance of simple connection. It’s your story and we want you to tell us about it.
The best camera to use is the one you already have - so your phone is absolutely fine. Just film in the best quality you are able to. There are lots of reminders around telling you to turn your camera on its side in order to film in landscape rather than portrait. This is often best, but if you have some footage to share that is shot in portrait that's absolutely fine too!
The Rules:
The Details and what to do
On the form below tell us briefly what you have filmed - in around 50 words. Be short and to the point - if you have made a film about making a cake with your mum or your on-line yoga sessions, you can just say that.
Next, the date. Tell us when it was filmed (on what date or over what period).
Because your film might be stored as part of a city-wide archive, or used in a longer film, we also need your consent to show your film.
So please tell us who is in your film and their relationship to you. We need to know their full names and addresses (if different from your own) and your relationship with them e.g Mum, Dad, Brother, Sister, Daughter, Son, Friend, Neighbour etc, and we need to be sure that they are happy to be in the film and are happy for you to share it with us. If you are in a public space, such as a park or street, and there are adults you don’t know in the background - that’s OK - no need to get their consent, but identifiable children - so if we can see who it is - are not allowed to be shown without the consent of a guardian or parent.
One more thing. The film must be suitable for audiences of all ages, so please watch out for bad language or behaviour which we might consider to be inappropriate.
How to send your films
Please send your film(s) to City Eye as an online transfer and paste the link to download the file in the submission form below.
You can create a download link by using file sharing websites such as google drive, dropbox, wetransfer etc.
If your link requires a password to access the file please also include that information in the submission form.
Alternatively share your video on Whatsapp to City Eye on 07504627122. (When filling out the submission form below, under 'Link to your film?' please type the word 'Whatsapp' followed by the name and phone number of the person who shares the video.)
So it’s over to you and your imagination - just remember the four simple rules you need to follow.
We would like your film to be included in a public archive created by the people for the people from across all of our communities. We want to tell all our stories and share our experiences so this is an open invitation to everyone in Southampton - so long as you take note of the four simple rules below, it’s up to you how and what you film. It might be a video diary, a short drama, perhaps a reflective moment on isolation or even an uplifting instance of simple connection. It’s your story and we want you to tell us about it.
The best camera to use is the one you already have - so your phone is absolutely fine. Just film in the best quality you are able to. There are lots of reminders around telling you to turn your camera on its side in order to film in landscape rather than portrait. This is often best, but if you have some footage to share that is shot in portrait that's absolutely fine too!
The Rules:
- Your film will ideally be no more than 90 seconds long (but you can submit more than once!)
- You must submit your film via the submission form below.
- It must be suitable for a public audience of all ages.
- We need to see consent of everyone involved
The Details and what to do
On the form below tell us briefly what you have filmed - in around 50 words. Be short and to the point - if you have made a film about making a cake with your mum or your on-line yoga sessions, you can just say that.
Next, the date. Tell us when it was filmed (on what date or over what period).
Because your film might be stored as part of a city-wide archive, or used in a longer film, we also need your consent to show your film.
So please tell us who is in your film and their relationship to you. We need to know their full names and addresses (if different from your own) and your relationship with them e.g Mum, Dad, Brother, Sister, Daughter, Son, Friend, Neighbour etc, and we need to be sure that they are happy to be in the film and are happy for you to share it with us. If you are in a public space, such as a park or street, and there are adults you don’t know in the background - that’s OK - no need to get their consent, but identifiable children - so if we can see who it is - are not allowed to be shown without the consent of a guardian or parent.
One more thing. The film must be suitable for audiences of all ages, so please watch out for bad language or behaviour which we might consider to be inappropriate.
How to send your films
Please send your film(s) to City Eye as an online transfer and paste the link to download the file in the submission form below.
You can create a download link by using file sharing websites such as google drive, dropbox, wetransfer etc.
If your link requires a password to access the file please also include that information in the submission form.
Alternatively share your video on Whatsapp to City Eye on 07504627122. (When filling out the submission form below, under 'Link to your film?' please type the word 'Whatsapp' followed by the name and phone number of the person who shares the video.)
So it’s over to you and your imagination - just remember the four simple rules you need to follow.